Monthly forecast for November 2023
From an astrological perspective, November will be less eventful than October, but still interesting. The predictions for November 2023.
After some surprises caused by the two eclipses in October, in November we will get a lot of love from Venus in Libra and transformative energy from the transits and aspects happening in Scorpio. This is the astrological forecast for November 2023. (I also published the overview of the most important transits and aspects in November 2023.)
Tension during the first November week
On the 3rd of November someone could hurt your ego or you could hurt someone. We will all be quite arrogant on this day, but we should try to remain open for other persons’ ideas. If someone offers to help you, accept the help – but you should be aware of that person’s true intentions. On this day, we let other people deceive us or we find out the truth about a certain matter. In general, it’s a bad day for important meetings or for taking important decisions, as we might not understand the situation or other people’s intentions correctly. It’s also possible that we ourselves want to keep something secret. Now, it’s important to stay true to your beliefs.
The situation keeps being tensed during the following two days. On the 4th of November, we feel a bit restless, and we are also frustrated because we must make sudden changes to our plans. Because of that and maybe because an unexpected news we react aggressively and could fight with someone. It’s a day when you should remain as flexible and as calm as possible.
On the 5th of November, we will all be confronted with our expectations. Some of us will have to face the fact that they can’t achieve their goals – but that is probably because we set our goals too high. You could feel disappointed and deceived now, because your dream seems to burst like a bubble, but you shouldn’t give up on it! Adjust your goals if they were utopic and set yourself realistic ones.
Venus enters Libra
I have better news for the 7th and 8th of November. On these days, your communication with other persons will be improved and also your creativity. If you must negotiate a contract or have an important meeting, do that now. Moreover, you will feel a positive influence on your romantic or personal relationships and maybe even on your finances.
On the 8th of November, Venus, the planet ruling over love and money, moves into Libra. During the next few weeks, you can expect a positive shift in any kind of relationship – be it a romantic one, a friendship or business partnership. You will feel more balanced, and you will focus on harmony and fairness. Especially if you are single, you should go out and socialize. You should only keep the following in mind: even if you want to please everyone or to get their attention, you should not pretend to be someone else.
On a global level, my hope is that this transit will lead to better diplomatic relationships. The world needs more love, understanding and peace – and Venus in Libra could help us achieve that.

The 9th of November is a great day for all activities that require clear thinking. If you must analyze something, write a paper or make plans, this would be a good day to do that. You are self-disciplined now and won’t procrastinate as much as you do on other days.
The 9th of November but also the period of time starting from the 10th of November will be good for learning. All of you out there who must take an exam or participate in a course will be positively influenced. You just have to be a bit patient: on the 10th, we will all feel a little bit depressed, for example because you are waiting for a message, because we feel restricted or have a fight with our superiors or an authoritative person. But this day will be over soon and we can enjoy the new things that we have the opportunity to learn.
It’s important to remain calm on the 11th of November. You might encounter some resistance, or your plans suddenly change. Conflicts are possible, so don‘t provoke other people and stay away from aggressive persons. You should also be careful not to hurt yourself, as there will be a higher risk of accidents on this day. As long as you remain flexible and can adapt quickly to sudden changes, things should turn out fine.
New Moon in Scorpio on November 13, 2023
The New Moon in Scorpio on the 13th of November is conjunct Mars and opposed Uranus. You can expect some surprises or a change of plans on this day. Try to remain calm: we will all think very subjective, are restless and irritable, and could get into a fight. To make the best out of this day, think about what you could change about yourself or how you could better control your reactions.
A much better day will be the 15th of November. You could get a good news and you‘ll have good conversations. It‘s a good day for negotiations and for discussions that help you to earn money.
Even though we will have less energy on the 17th, this is a good day. Of you need to make important decisions, you can now rely more than usual on your intuition. You recognize what you must do in order to achieve your goals and you make some steps towards these goals. Overall, you are in a good mood, calm and content with yourself.
Determination and Mars entering Sagittarius
Things change on the 18th. You will now have a lot of energy and ambition, but you could also become a bit aggressive. Instead of potentially fighting with other people, use your energy to solve tasks that involve physical activity or go to the gym.
There will be a similar energy on the 20th of November. You‘ll be very determined and self-disciplined, so this is a good day to get work done. If something of someone is holding you back from evolving, you could now decide to part ways with that person or to change the situation.
On the 22nd of November, you are willing and have enough energy to do almost anything in order to achieve your goals. If there are some problems, you know what you must adjust in order to make things work out. Persons in higher positions and athletes will benefit most of this day’s energy, but we will all be very self-disciplined and can solve difficult tasks. And that’s exactly what I recommend you to do: solve now as many things as possible, otherwise you might have some problems the next day.
On the 23rd, you’ll have to deal with delays and impediments. At the same time, you might be forced to do something that you don’t want to do. Actually, you won’t be in the mood to do anything, because your energy level will be low. My advice is to solve difficult tasks already before this day. This way, things won’t pile up and you won’t have much work on the 23rd.
Mars enters Sagittarius on the 24th of November. While the planet of action and determination remains here, we will need more adventure in our life. You need something new to do, like starting a new project, travelling or learning something new – because you will get bored easier than usual.
In general, it’s a good time to start something new, but at least on the 25th you should only make plans and put them into action later. On this day, you will have less energy or will encounter some resistance. Try not to get frustrated, not to fight with other people, but also not to direct your anger towards yourself. Like I said: it would be best to make plans now and to act later.
Full Moon in Gemini on November 27, 2023
The 27th of November might be a bit confusing. We have a Full Moon on this day, but also Mercury and Neptune forming a square. You will probably get news or a lot of information, but they will be a bit confusing. As you can’t think very clearly now, I recommend you not to make any important decisions on this day. What happens now could affect you up until January 2024, so pay attention especially to the way you communicate. This would be a good day for going out and socializing, but only if you are careful what you say and also avoid lying and drinking too much alcohol.